From Airway & Oral Ties


Newborns & Little Ones

Does your little one have colic or spit up so forcefully it decorates your walls and cars? Do they cry after every feed because of gas pain or reflux? Or my personal favorite, do they fart and burp louder than a grown man after eating beans? If so, we’re here to help your little one relieve that gas and give you a break from the cleaning, screaming and burping.

Do you feel like you should have invested in NoseFrida because you use it so much to clear your little one’s boogers? Are you tired of the constant congestion that keeps them from sleeping well? We’re here to help your little one breathe better so you can stop sucking snot from their nose.

Has your little one struggled at the bottle or breast? Do they pop on and off or chomp the bottle/nipple? Or maybe you made it through the first 3-4 months and now they are suddenly struggling to eat? We work with amazing parents like you to help create the support team your little one needs to improve their feeding habits and help them thrive.


Do you look at your kid’s bed in the morning and think, “wow, were they in a fight with an alligator in their sleep”? Does your child always seem tired despite “getting enough sleep”? If so, we can help them go from exhausted and tired to happy and thriving.

Does your child seem like they are always “wired” and never able to slow down? Are they constant on the go and struggle to calm down enough to rest? We are here to help you and your kid learn how to slow their bodies and get the rest they need.

Are you worried your toddler or older kid is “super picky” and has difficulty trying new food? Do you constantly worry that you aren’t doing enough to support their nutrition despite doing it all? We know that you are doing your best and so is your child. We will work with you and meet you where they are to help them grow and progress to being able to eat more foods without a fight.


Do you feel like you’re never rested? Have you been tracking your sleep and HRV and wondering why you can’t get over 1 hour of deep rest and REM? Have you checked all of the “sleep hygiene” boxes and still feel like you can’t sleep? If so, we are here to help you tap into the deep rest and finally feel refreshed when you wake.

Does your partner comment on how much you snore and sound like a freight train keeping them awake at night? If so, we help people like you that want to sleep with their partners be able to do so without the constant wake ups.

Are you tired of waking up thirsty and needing to chug water or waking with a dry mouth? Are you exhausted from constantly waking up to pee in the middle of the night? We’re here to help you get to the root cause so you don’t NEED to wake up to pee or drink.

Are you constantly on edge, going through anxiety for unknown reasons and feel like you’re stuck in fight-or-flight despite taking care of your emotional health? If so, we help you tap into a better rest so you can come out of the darkness and be more calm.


To Pelvic Floor



Does your kiddo struggle with bedwetting despite being daytime potty trained? Are you nervous it’s effecting them emotionally while also being frustrated with the constant need to buy pullups and wash sheets? We are here to get to the cause of why your little struggles with bedwetting and decrease both of your frustrations.

Does your kiddo have bowel movements that are so wide you question if they came from a grownup? If so, we can help your little one get smaller and more frequent bowel movements that are also pain-free.

Has your little one struggled with constipation for as long as you can remember? Have you tried all of the diet changes and found that nothing helped? Are you frustrated and sad for your little one that bowel movements cause so much pain and discomfort? The truth is, potty time shouldn’t be painful and we can help you help your little one pee and poop without pain!


Have you been through a traumatic birth and want a healing and empowering birth but don't know where to start? We are here to support and help you feel supported and ready for birth physically and mentally.

Are you a VBAC mama that wants to feel excited for labor but feel discouraged because your first baby never descended? Are you thinking “It happened the first time it will happen again” The truth is your past birth experience doesn't determine your future births. I help VBAC Mamas, like yourself, who want to have a better birth but don’t know where to start feel confident and comfortable in their upcoming birth

Are you tired of googling “safe exercise during pregnancy” and feeling like you can’t do anything? Do you feel overwhelmed and scared you may hurt yourself or your baby by exercising? We love helping mamas like you feel educated and empowered to take control of your life.


Are you tired of watching your kids play and wishing you could join them? Are you frustrated you’re on the side worrying about pain or leaking? We are here to help you get back on the playground without worrying about leaking.

Did you have a cesarean birth and now fear you’re going to be in pain forever? We are excited to help guide you from afraid to strong and confident, knowing you don’t have to live in pain.

Are you a Type-A mama that is used to knowing exactly what to do but find yourself constantly asking “is this normal” after giving birth? We support mamas like you feel more knowledgeable (and confident) and ready to be yourself again!

Are you secretly googling “postpartum sex” because it’s scary and painful and you wish it could be enjoyable? We help mamas have pain-free (and enjoyable) intercourse.

What Makes Us Different?

You may walk into our space as an exhausted parent not sure how to help your child, in pain or anxious about birth, feeling unsupported, unheard, nervous that pain is going to limit your ability to give birth or recover postpartum. Nervous that your little one isn’t going to thrive. I’m here to help you stop fearing the unknown, figure out what YOU want to experience in pregnancy and postpartum and help you make it happen. I’m a no-BS airway and pelvic floor myth buster that knows that you can thrive rather than just survive. I’m here to guide you so when you leave you and your little one not only physically feel better but you feel more informed and empowered to make decisions for yourself and your family

If you are ready and excited to stop taking the backseat in your life and truly experience it, we are here to support you.


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